Category: Grill Tips and Tricks

These grilling tips and tricks are great for newbies and seasoned grillers alike.

  • Can You Use A Meat Thermometer On The Grill

    Grilling enthusiasts often aim for that perfect blend of juicy, tender, and flavorful meat. However, getting the desired results can be challenging without a trusty tool like a meat thermometer. This blog post will explore “can you use meat thermometers on the grill” and how to achieve scrumptious steaks, burgers, and more effortlessly. We’ll also…

  • Can You Use A Baking Sheet On The Grill

    As grilling season kicks into high gear, many enthusiasts are looking for ways to get creative with outdoor cooking. One common question that arises is, “Can you use a baking sheet on the grill?”. In this blog post, we’ll explore the versatility of baking sheets and how they can be utilized on gas and charcoal…

  • Can You Use Aluminum Foil On The Grill

    Grilling is the perfect way to bring family and friends together and make great memories, but unfortunately, it can also be a mess. Grease buildup on grates can be a hassle to clean up and dangerous, as excess grease can lead to flare-ups and potentially start a fire. In this article, we will explore “can…

  • Can You Use A Silicone Baking Mat On The Grill

    After a fun barbeque session, are you tired of scraping charred meat and veggies off the grill? Or maybe, you’ve been wondering if there’s a more convenient way to enjoy grilling without all the mess. If so, look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the wonderful world of silicone baking mats and…

  • Can You Use Butcher’s Twine On The Grill

    Grilling season is upon us, and as grilling enthusiasts, we’re always seeking new tips and tricks to elevate our outdoor cooking game. One versatile tool that often comes in handy when preparing a variety of meats on the grill is the butcher’s twine. You may wonder if you can use butcher’s twine on the grill…

  • How Long Do You Boil Brats? Read This First!

    Brats, or Bratwursts, are a type of sausage popularly prepared for Oktoberfest celebrations, but you don’t need a special occasion to enjoy them. As a common substitute for hot dogs, there are several ways to cook brats: in the oven, on the grill, on the stovetop, and more. Many people ask me the secret behind…

  • Air Fryer vs Grill: Which Is Better?

    We’re always looking for better and faster ways to prepare food. But, we don’t want to sacrifice the healthiness of the food in the process. Ergo, many people debate over whether an air fryer is better than a grill. So, Air Fryer vs. Grill: which is better? The answer to this will largely depend on…

  • Everything A Grill Master Needs To Know About Alt Meat

    Did you know that the current world population consumes 130,000 animals every minute? Add this to the fact that the world population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, and you are stuck with a hard question: Where will the food to feed all these people come from? The World Resources Institute presents what…

  • Why Do Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Go Together?

    Yes, grilled cheese and tomato soup, the two classic comfort foods of all times often feel like a match made in heaven. Any time of the day, you want to simply dunk and slurp up bliss, you may make these foods to satisfy your hunger. Just like bacon and eggs, this is a classic combination…

  • Why don’t Blackstone Grills Have Lids?

    Blackstone is known for producing some of the best outdoor grills on the market. One thing that people often mention is that, unlike some other grills that are available, Blackstone grills do not always include a lid. Our researchers set out to discover why this is the case. So, why don’t Blackstone grills have lids?…