Author: James

  • Can I Convert Natural Gas Grill To Propane

    If you have recently moved to a different house that offers a propane line, you may want to convert your natural gas grill. Some people simply prefer using propane over natural gas because the former is readily available in most home improvement stores and gas stations. Making your grill propane compatible can also make it…

  • 6 Best Pizza Stones For Gas Grill 2023

    Crisp, crunchy, and bursting with cheese…there’s a lot of pride associated with homemade pizzas so you would want them to have the perfect crust, golden exterior, and a great visual appeal. The secret lies in using the right pizza stone that come in clay, steel, cast-iron, and cordierite materials. When you use the best pizza…

  • 5 Best Non Stick Spray For Grill 2023

    With the temperature soaring, it’s the right time to take out the grills and get them ready for a night of barbeque chicken, salmon, and shrimp. Do you know what’s the most heart-wrenching sight for any BBQ lover? It’s watching the perfectly browned and flavorful surfaces of meat get stuck to the grills. Keeping the…

  • Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rocks Anymore

    The grilling industry is largely based on the concept that producing smoke is the key to adding that traditional flavor to grilled food. As such,  gas grills were traditionally designed with a barrier made of lava locks, so that if drippings fell onto the hot barrier, they would produce smoke. The smoke would then in…

  • 6 Best Degreasers for Grill for 2023

    There’s nothing like grilling on a lazy Sunday afternoon for your family and friends. While there’s a lot to rave about the aroma, taste, and feel of enjoying perfectly grilled meat and vegetables while basking in the sun, no one likes the cleaning job post a great meal. Sadly, there’s no way escaping because if…

  • How Does a Smokeless Grill Work?

    If you love barbecue but don’t always have the time to fire up the grill, your may want to consider a smokeless grill. This device allows you to grill foods indoors safely, since you use electricity to prepare your food instead of charcoal or propane. The indoor grill is also an ideal device for preparing…

  • 7 Best Oils For Grill Grates Reviews for 2023

    Think of grilled meat and your mind will conjure up images of rich grill marks on fish and steaks, perfectly browned and crusty surfaces. It’s a pity when you start grilling with such a gorgeous vision and end up with food sticking on the grill grates when while trying to flip them. It feels like…

  • How To Make Grilled Cheese Without Butter?

    Toasted, crispy bread and warm, gooey cheese inside – is there anything else you need to make your morning breakfast special? Those who have eaten American-styled grilled cheese all their life may find it unimaginable to leave out the butter. However, if you are looking to skip it for health reasons or you simply don’t…

  • Blackened Vs. Grilled (Here’s The Difference)

    To start off, both techniques of charring food are useful if you wish to enhance the flavors of your dish and retain its juices. Both techniques are similar since they use dry heat to add flavor to your meal. Now, although both methods result in adding a burned, rather crispy crust to your meal, the…

  • Difference Between Grill And Oven

    If you are a foodie like me, the mention of grill and oven will conjure up images of mouthwatering foods like roasted chicken, baked brownies, and grilled salmon. Many people do not realize the difference between grill and oven, ending up getting confused between these two essential kitchen appliances. While both the appliances are used…